Murder & Homicide

Criminal Defense for Murder and Homicide in Illinois

If you or a loved one has been charged with murder or homicide in Illinois, it is crucial to immediately secure the services of experienced legal counsel. Murder and other forms of homicide are among the most serious criminal charges, carrying severe penalties that can include life imprisonment. A conviction for murder or homicide can have devastating, long-lasting consequences for your future.

The attorneys at Lyon & Kerr are experienced criminal defense litigators who understand the complexities of Illinois laws and will aggressively protect your rights. Between Andrea Lyon and Robert Kerr, our attorneys have litigated more than 150 murder cases over the last six decades in the practice of law. We are committed to providing you and your loved one with exceptional legal representation, and the ability to intelligently navigate the complex legal challenges ahead.

What is Murder and Homicide Under Illinois Law?

In Illinois, murder and homicide are defined as unlawful killings of another person. However, there exist affirmative defenses, or lawful killings, such as self-defense or defense of others (720 ILCS 5/7-1). There also exist several distinct types of homicide offenses with varying degrees of severity and corresponding penalties. The most common types include:

First-Degree Murder (720 ILCS 5/9-1)

First-degree murder is the most serious charge. It requires the State to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the intentional killing of another person, or during the commission of certain felonies, such as robbery or rape. If convicted, a defendant can face a sentence of 20 to 60 years in prison, or even life in prison, without the possibility of parole. The death penalty was abolished in Illinois in 2011, but a conviction for first-degree murder still carries the most severe penalties, and first-degree murder sentences may be enhanced if the State proves that the murder was committed with a firearm.

Second-Degree Murder (720 ILCS 5/9-2)

Second-degree murder occurs when a person kills another, but there are mitigating circumstances without lawful justification, such as provocation or a genuine belief that the use of deadly force was necessary (even if that belief was unreasonable). While still a serious offense, second-degree murder carries less severe penalties than first-degree murder. If convicted, you may face 4 to 20 years in prison, or in some cases as many as 30 years.


On the spectrum of homicide charges, manslaughter is a less severe charge than murder and involves unlawful killings that result from reckless or negligent conduct. However, even manslaughter may be punishable by incarceration for a substantial number of years.

Why You Need an Experienced Homicide Defense Attorney

Navigating a murder or homicide prosecution in Illinois requires expert legal knowledge and skill. The prosecution will employ vast resources and influence to secure your conviction. Individuals charged with any homicide offense require the services of a legal team and veteran attorneys who have the knowledge, experience, and relationships to match the prosecutor’s strength, and to hold the prosecution to its burden of proving each element of the alleged offense beyond a reasonable doubt.

At Lyon & Kerr, we build a dynamic team for each client, pulling together the best private investigators and expert witnesses to assist our attorneys in mounting your defense. It is common that the best strategy requires the involvement of experts in the fields of eyewitness identification, ballistics, firearms, toxicology, pathology, pharmacology, psychiatry, or even mental competence to stand trial. At Lyon & Kerr, we strive to foresee legal issues and needs of our client at the outset of the case, and to deliver the resources necessary to hold the State it is burden of proof throughout the prosecution.

We understand the gravity of homicide charges, and we provide strong, aggressive, and persistent representation. Our team thoroughly investigates the facts of your case, reviews the evidence, conducts extensive legal research, and – in all other ways – works tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected.

Whether we negotiate a favorable plea agreement or take your case to trial, we will fight for the best possible outcome. If you or someone you love is facing homicide charges in Illinois, contact our office immediately to schedule a confidential consultation.

Contact A Murder / Homicide Defense Attorney For Help

Do not make the mistake of facing murder or homicide charges alone. Call Lyon & Kerr to learn more about our team approach. We look forward to using our time, service, advice, availability, and experience to your advantage. We look forward to defending you and your future.

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