illinois police to increase dui patrols for labor day

illinois police to increase dui patrols for labor day

The end of summer is right around the corner. With the end of summer, come Labor Day festivities for Chicago residents. People use the long weekend to have fun with family and friends. Many of these festivities may involve alcohol and it can be easy for people to make the mistake of driving a car, motorcycle or boat after having had too much to drink. This can easily lead to serious drunk driving charges.

Illinois residents need to know that several local police departments will be participating in an anti-drunk driving campaign over the upcoming holiday weekend. During Labor Day weekend, police will begin a program called “Drive sober or get pulled over” to penalize those who drink and drive. This program is funded by local police departments, the Illinois Department of Transportation and from by federal traffic safety funds.

This program is designed to increase police presence through the busy holiday weekend. According to police, increased patrols reduce the number of drunk drivers by up to 20 percent. Police say they are trying to reduce accidents and fatalities that occur as a result of drunk drivers.

In addition to trying to find and arrest drunk drivers, the police say they will also be looking to catch people violating seatbelt laws.

With this increased police presence, there is likely to be an increase in DUI charges over the holiday. In Illinois, a DUI can lead to serious penalties including large fines, drivers license suspension and jail or prison time. These penalties will increase if a drunk driver causes an accident or injures someone else.

People who are facing DUI charges should know that they have legal options. Defense options exist that can reduce charges and their penalties.

Source: Chicago Tribune, “Suburban police launch campaign against driving drunk,” Gary Gibula, Aug. 9, 2013

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