Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Lawyers

Versatile Illinois Defense Attorneys Focused on Finding Ways to Win Your Case

At Lyon & Kerr, we defend the rights, freedom, and reputation of individuals accused of misdemeanor and felony crimes in both the state and federal systems. When it comes to criminal defense, an aggressive and thorough team approach is not just the best strategy, it is the only way that we handle our cases.

We collaborate proactively with private investigators, expert witnesses, and mitigation specialists in a team environment to evaluate the facts and legal issues of your case, and to develop a dynamic strategy and compelling arguments in your defense. We build a tailored defense aimed directly at the weaknesses of the government’s case. We are prepared to move for the suppression of evidence, the dismissal of charges, and for verdicts of “not guilty.” Do not wait and react to the prosecution alone, contact the attorneys at Lyon & Kerr to develop an aggressive defense strategy that has the strength and experience to stand up the prosecution.

Contact Lyon & Kerr for a confidential consultation with distinguished trial attorneys who are committed to protecting your interests across a wide range of serious charges:

Areas of Practice

  • State & Federal Criminal Defense
  • All Felony & Misdemeanor Charges
  • Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm
  • Aggravated Robbery
  • Armed Robbery
  • Arson
  • Assault / Aggravated Assault
  • Attempted Murder
  • Battery / Aggravated Battery
  • Bond Hearings
  • Burglary
  • Civil Rights
  • Check Fraud
  • Child Pornography
  • Credit Card Fraud / Theft
  • DCFS Appeals / Administrative Hearings
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Domestic Battery
  • Domestic Violence
  • DUI / Drunk Driving
  • Drug Crimes
  • Drug Cultivation
  • Drug Distribution
  • Drug Manufacturing
  • Drug Possession
  • Drug Sales
  • Drug Trafficking
  • Embezzlement
  • Expungements / Record Sealing
  • Federal Criminal Defense
  • Federal Drug Charges
  • Federal Sex Crimes
  • Felonies
  • Financial Crimes
  • Firearm Possession
  • Forgery
  • Fraud Defense
  • Gun Charges
  • Home Invasion
  • Homicide
  • Identity Theft
  • Jury Trials
  • Juvenile Crimes
  • Kidnapping
  • Manslaughter
  • Misdemeanors
  • Motions to Suppress Evidence
  • Murder
  • Pre-Trial Negotiations
  • Preliminary Hearings
  • Prescription Drug Charges
  • Private Investigations
  • Property & Financial Crimes
  • Retail Theft
  • Robbery
  • Secretary of State Reinstatement Hearings
  • Sex Crimes
  • Shoplifting
  • Solicitation of A Minor
  • Statutory Rape
  • Theft
  • Unemployment Fraud
  • Vehicular Hijackin
  • Violent Crimes
  • Weapon Offenses
    • Unlawful use of a weapon (UUW)
    • Unlawful use of a weapon by felons
    • Aggravated unlawful use of a weapon
    • Aggravated discharge of a firearm
  • White Collar Crimes

Whenever possible, we work toward dismissal or significant reduction of the original charges against you in advance of trial. An important goal is to provide clear choices, reliable advice, and zealous advocacy. Contact Lyon & Kerr to go after to prosecution, enforce your constitutional rights, and protect your future interests. We aim not only to prevent the imposition of prison sentences, we also always aim to resolve your case – whether it be by way of an agreement, or the litigation of trial – in a manner that preserves your right to expunge your arrest for a criminal offense.

At Lyon & Kerr we prioritize consistent and effective communication with our clients. We strive to ensure that our clients are fully informed of the facts, legal issues, defense strategy, and potential consequences. We are determined to arm our clients with reliable information and advice when we, as a team, encounter difficult decisions. For more information about the scope of our practice, and our experience handling cases like yours, contact a TOP criminal defense attorney at Lyon & Kerr for help.

When Should I Hire A Criminal Defense Law Lawyer?

It is best to hire a criminal defense lawyer as soon as you become aware that you are facing criminal charges. Often you are notified that you may be facing charges before they are actually filed. In many cases, law enforcement will attempt to speak with you before obtaining an arrest warrant. You may also be served with a warrant to search your property. This is a crucial stage in your case, and it is important that you speak to a criminal defense lawyer that understands and fights for your rights and is aggressive in defending you in your criminal law case. If you do not have the benefit of an early warning and you are arrested without notice, it is even more important that you hire a criminal defense attorney immediately to assist you in exercising your constitutional rights to privacy, silence, and legal counsel. You might not meet your court-appointed attorney or public defender until your first court appearance; it may be too late to develop the most effective strategy as it relates to your detention hearing or preliminary hearing. There are many potential mistakes that people may make before this point, such as making statements to law enforcement, providing consent to search or seize property, or cooperating in the investigation or prosecution of others without an agreement as it relates to your criminal liability. These potentially life-altering mistakes that are often made in the early stages of a criminal investigation or prosecution can easily be avoided with the advice of an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense law lawyer. At Lyon & Kerr, we pride ourselves on our relationships with leaders in the field of criminal defense, and on the depth of resources that we are able to provide our clients. The potential consequences of a criminal conviction on your record deserve the attention of veteran trial attorneys, legal research specialists, private investigators, expert witnesses, and mitigation specialists.

How Do I Pick a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

This is a very difficult decision to make. Unfortunately, in the field of criminal defense, the accused may have very little time, or virtually no time at all, to make this decision. How do you know the criminal attorney you are considering is going to do a good job for you? You have never seen him or her in action – you are just meeting him or her for the first time. There are a few factors you can consider which will help you assess if the criminal attorney you are considering is the right one for you:

Experience – Contact the attorneys at Lyon & Kerr to speak with lawyers that have handled cases like yours. Having trial experience in cases like yours is crucial. Your criminal defense lawyer should be knowledgeable with court procedures, local rules, case law, and should also have REAL trial experience. Andrea Lyon has been a criminal defense attorney for more than 48 years; Robert Kerr has been in the practice for nearly 20 years.

In court, you generally have two choices: take a plea agreement; or fight the case and go to trial. If you choose to go to trial, you need to know if your criminal defense lawyer is comfortable in front of a jury, skilled at cross-examining witnesses, and unafraid to challenge the prosecution. Remember, our justice system is an adversarial system. Criminal trial skills require years of experience and practice on the front lines in an actual courtroom.

We’re sure that you’ve heard the expression, “A Jack of all Trades and a Master of None.” It’s best that your lawyer practices criminal defense regularly, and with great intensity. Criminal laws are constantly being tested and changed. It can be very difficult for attorneys to keep up with these changes in one area of law, let alone several. The trial attorneys at Lyon & Kerr are supported by legal research specialists, law clerks, and private investigators to ensure that your attorney is on the forefront of new and developing law and strategy.

The most important thing to consider is the attorney’s philosophy. What it the attorney’s philosophy? Is this just a job, or it your lawyer’s profession? Is being your advocate, and the prosecution’s fierce opponent, an innate part of your attorney’s being? Are you just another case or another client, or is your attorney truly invested in you, your case, and your future? At Lyon & Kerr, we are asking you to trust us with your life and your future. We work with you, not around or behind you, because we believe in team defense, and because we value trust in our relationships. Our trial attorneys are not only skilled litigators, we have a reputation for making personal connections with you and your family. We are prepared to fight with everything that we have, and to do all the work that needs to be done, because we don’t only care about winning your case, we care about what will happen to you. We will see you, we will hear you, and we will depend upon you to assist us in developing the most effective strategy for your case.

What Are The Consequences Of A Conviction On My Record?

The obvious consequence is incarceration and jail. This is bad enough in and of itself, but if you have any health problems or medical needs, this is a very difficult place to be. Prison staff are not paid to care about your healthcare needs, including medications and medical care, and you have no say over where nor how you are housed. Few people consider the consequences beyond incarceration. A criminal record will haunt you for the rest of your life, interfering with employment, government services, credit, and housing. Certain convictions require registration as a “sex offender,” or a “violent offender against youth,” which irreparably damages your reputation, employment opportunities, and makes you a virtual outcast in society. Although certain states allow for certain records to be expunged, the guidelines are sometimes strict and can be difficult to meet. There is no constitutional right to have your criminal record expunged. In the case of non-U.S. citizens, a felony conviction can and often does lead to removal or deportation, even if you have lived here as a legal resident for a substantial amount of time. Do not take the prospect of a conviction being on your record lightly. Before you face these dire consequences, make sure you and your criminal defense lawyer are doing everything to protect your life and your future. Ask yourself, will my criminal charge show up as a conviction on my criminal record? Will I have the ability to expunge my record eventually? Has your criminal attorney examined and explained all of your options to you in a way that you understand? Criminal convictions can be debilitating. Your decisions must be well thought out, and based on logic and reason. At Lyon & Kerr, we are confident that our experience will provide our clients with the clarity that is required in making difficult decisions that can forever impact your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Contact A Criminal Defense Lawyer For Help

Andrea, Robert, and the Lyon & Kerr team have a combined seven decades of experience and success, and we are ready to put that to work for you or your loved one. Contact us today for help!

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