Gun & Weapon Charges

Gun & Weapon Crimes Lawyers

Illinois Gun & Weapon Offense Attorney

In the greater Chicago area, prosecutors energetically pursue gun charge cases. To counter the power of the government, an aggressive defense is necessary.

We defend people accused of:

  • Armed robbery
  • Aggravated unlawful use of a weapon
  • Aggravated discharge of a firearm
  • Armed violence
  • Carrying a concealed weapon without a license
  • Gun with drugs
  • Unlawful sale of firearms aka “gunrunning”
  • Unlawful use of a weapon (UUW)
  • Unlawful use of a weapon by a felon
  • Vehicular Hijacking
  • All other gun and weapon crimes / offenses / violations

We believe in providing the strongest and most effective defense possible – we will aggressively defend your rights and your freedom.

Common Gun and Weapon Offenses

  • Brandishing a firearm
  • Discharging a firearm
  • Gun possession (concealed, loaded, or with no permit)
  • Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon
  • Possession of an assault weapon
  • Possession of an illegal weapon (knives, daggers, brass knuckles, nunchucks, other martial arts weapons)
  • Selling a firearm
  • Using a gun during the commission of a crime such as assault, robbery, or drug offenses

Defending Your Rights and Freedom

In gun charge cases, as in other criminal matters, the government must prove the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt. Depending on the circumstances, there may be several defense strategies available. We will examine all of these possibilities and systematically pursue all which provide an opportunity for success. These can include motions to quash arrest and suppress evidence, suppressing statements made by the defendant and witnesses, challenge the validity of a search warrant, and other legal challenges. Whenever possible, I will seek to obtain a dismissal of the charge, convince the prosecutor to drop the charge, or obtain vindication at trial.

In other cases, it may be possible to negotiate the charge down to one with lesser penalties. While this is not the most advantageous solution, sometimes it is the best choice. I can discuss the issues your case presents with you. If you want to seek a negotiated plea I will negotiate aggressively with the prosecutor to achieve the best possible solution for you.

Contact A Gun & Weapon Crimes Defense Attorney For Help

If you have been charged or accused of a gun or weapons crime, contact Lyon & Kerr for a free and confidential consultation. We work for YOU and YOUR RIGHTS!

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