National undercover investigation leads to sex crime charges
Local, state and federal law enforcement officials go to great lengths to protect children. These types of crimes, and the police’s attempts to stop them, are highly publicized in the news media. People accused of child sex abuse, in particular, become the subject of news stories from the moment they are arrested.
This is a problem for those accused of sex crimes because it can make it harder for them to get fair criminal proceedings or to be treated as innocent until they are found guilty. The public may immediately assume a person is guilty and treat that person as such.
One Illinois sex crimes case has recently made the news. In this case, four women were arrested in the Chicago suburb of Naperville on prostitution charges. Specifically, they were charged with misdemeanor attempted prostitution. They were arrested in conjunction with a national undercover effort by the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to capture and charge those forcing children into the sex trade across the United States.
During this three day operation 150 people were arrested across the country. One other person, a suspected pimp, was also arrested in Chicago because of this undercover operation.
Sex crime charges are always serious, especially when children are the victim. The penalties can include long prison sentences and being forced to register as a sex offender. People need to protect their reputation and their constitutional rights as soon as they are charged with a sex crime by preparing an aggressive criminal defense. Without a strong defense, people can face a lifetime of unfair judgments and criminal penalties.