Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform: We Need a Defender General
Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform: Fixing Legal Injustice in America
“Dismantling Our American Apartheid” by Andrea Lyon, Chicago Tribune 10-25-2021
Read the article here:…-chicago-tribune/
“Dismantling Our American Apartheid” in Chicago Tribune 10-25-2021
Chicago Tribune Op-ed: Dismantling our American apartheid: Making the case for a defender general of the United States By ANDREA D. LYON CHICAGO TRIBUNE | OCT 25, 2021 AT 5:00 AM
Kylleen’s Story
What would you do if you found yourself in prison for life without the possibility of parole and you were innocent? My name is Kylleen Thomas and that is where I found myself 28 years ago. I was in prison with nowhere to turn and no one to help. I was lost and had no
True Believer and the Road to Hell Podcast
This wide ranging conversation between two leaders of the criminal defense bar covers: The present and future of criminal justice in America; What it is like to represent the innocent and the guilty; Why we need a Defender General https:;//
Get Better Answers from Jurors and Witnesses
NACDL Summary & Video: Improving Juror and Witness Responses Although these video clips were given to criminal defense lawyers at the NACDL Conference a last month, I would suggest that you can use these tactics in civil litigation, as well. They will help you encourage more truthful answers from jurors and witnesses. The short video clip (click) sections:
Andrea Will Facilitate the Leadership Development Seminar Aug. 13-15, 2020 for NAPD
Antonio’s Story
Social Justice Requires a Defender General to End the Apartheid that is Our Justice System by, “Antonio” I am not one of the countless black, brown, or poor people in this country who was wrongfully convicted. I did commit my crime. My name is Antonio, and I spent 29 years in prison. I believe the
Andrea Lyon Quoted in Mother Jones on Police using Victim’s Rights Law Defense
THE BIG FEATURE A Florida Cop Killed Tony McDade. Now He’s Hiding Behind a Law Meant to Protect Victims. We may never know the shooter’s name. LAURA THOMPSON4 HOURS AGO