Recently paroled drunk driver faces second dui charge
Unquestionably strict laws and regulations exist regarding drunk driving. Penalties for DUI indictment include hefty fines and license revocation. These penalties get stiffer with multiple DUI convictions. When faced with a drunk driving charge, the accused should invest a great deal of effort into formulating a robust defense.
A man, who had been paroled in June 2011 after serving almost 12 years of a maximum 14-year sentence following a 1999 drunk driving accident, faces yet another charge of driving under the influence. Coincidentally, the incident that resulted in this second DUI charge took place near to the location of the fatal accident that led to his first charge.
The driver was charged on the evening of Feb. 24, after he was arrested in Lakemoor, Illinois, following a telephone call to police pertaining to an automobile running off the road. Police then received another phone call, this time from a nearby resident, stating that a man had parked on the resident’s driveway and unlawfully entered the resident’s home.
Fortunately, nobody was hurt in the incident. The alleged drunk driver received treatment at Centegra Medical Center. His parole, which would have ended in June 2013, could be revoked if he is convicted.
Individuals dealing with a DUI face numerous obstacles. In this case, it appears the man may have a problem with alcohol abuse. In sad cases such as this, it might be worthwhile to consider whether treatment would be more effective than throwing him in jail. Many times treatment is the way to go.
Source: “New DUI charges against man who did time for drunken-driving crash that killed 4,” Dan Rozek, Feb. 25, 2013